Report to:

Overview and Scrutiny Committee


3 November 2022


2021/22 Performance Management

Portfolio Area:

Cllr Nicky Hopwood

Executive Lead Member (Performance)


Wards Affected:


Urgent Decision:


Approval and clearance obtained:







Drew Powell


Director Strategy and Governance






That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

1. Review the performance figures for the 21/22 financial year shown in the performance management report as included in Appendix A to this report; and

2. Note the proposed format for an enhanced performance report (as set out in Appendix B) which will be populated with performance data and considered at the meeting of this committee in January 2023.


1.   Executive summary

1.1     Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider the performance of the Councils key services against an agreed suite of measures on a six-monthly basis.

1.2     Performance reporting and corporate key performance indicators (KPI’s) now form part of the corporate strategy – ‘Better Lives for All’ - reporting cycle which includes KPI’s being reported to the Executive on a quarterly basis.

1.3     The purpose of this report is to provide an overview and closedown report of performance for the 21/22 financial year.

1.4     In addition, the report sets out the proposed updated and improved format for future reports to this committee, in line with our enhanced performance management framework.



2. Background

2.1Performance data was last reported to this Committee on 20th January 2022 (minute O&S.52/21 refers).

2.2This report, through Appendix A, sets out the full year 2021/22 performance against agreed key performance indicators, provides a commentary on trends and, where performance was not in line with target, the mitigating measures that were employed.

2.3During the global pandemic, as staff resource was prioritised into administering Government Covid business grants and emergency welfare support, some of the Council’s services had slightly increased processing backlogs. These backlogs continued to be worked down throughout the year and with no major government announcements (apart from £150 energy rebate in the final quarter) the performance at the end of the year can be judged against more normal levels of customer demand.   

2.4 Throughout the year, Covid related sickness absences increased the overall sickness levels among staff and added some additional pressure across the Council.



3. Outcomes/outputs

3.1   Appendix A to this report sets out full year performance for 2021/22 for each of the agreed Key Performance Indicators. The report also includes an explanation of the trend and where performance is off target, a summary of the mitigating actions.



4. Proposed Way Forward

4.1 The present suite of KPI’s is no longer considered to provide the level of detail or clarity to enable members, and the community, to fully assess and scrutinise performance effectively.

4.2 As part of ongoing enhancements to the Council’s performance management framework, it is proposed that when performance is next reported to this committee in January 2023, a new suite of KPI’s will be presented.

4.3 The new KPI’s are presently being developed in conjunction with the Executive and will focus primarily on service volumes and performance, customer experience and overall Council effectiveness.

4.4 In addition, it is proposed that there will be additional narrative setting out the description, direction of travel, history and how the KPI is calculated which is vital to ensure data quality is maintained.

4.5 Appendix B provides an example of the proposed format for future performance management reports to this Committee.







5. Implications





Details and proposed measures to address




The Overview & Scrutiny Committee is responsible for both an overview of performance and for scrutinising how the Council is performing as an organisation.

Financial implications to include reference to value for money



There are no direct financial implications of this report although it does set out Council Tax collection rates.



The provision of KPI’s and an effective performance management framework reduces the risk of Council services not being delivered effectively.

Supporting Corporate Strategy



Climate Change - Carbon / Biodiversity Impact





Comprehensive Impact Assessment Implications

Equality and Diversity








Community Safety, Crime and Disorder



Health, Safety and Wellbeing



Other implications





Supporting Information


Appendix A – 2021/22 Full Year Performance

Appendix B – Proposed format for future performance reports.


Background Papers:
